Editing this node on 11.4.23


Civi Roles Sync

  • Apprentices
    • old-style apprentices
      • Civi Smart Group "Apprentices" syncs to Drupal role "Diploma Apprentice" DOES NOT WORK. Turns out Drupal needs a Regular Group to sync from.
    • new-style apprentices
      • CiviMember Roles Sync works fine using the Membership type "Diploma"
  • Tutors
    • Civi Smart Group "Diploma Tutors" syncs to Drupal role "Diploma tutor" DOES NOT WORK. Turns out Drupal needs a Regular Group to sync from.
  • Graduates.
    • Civi Smart Group "Diploma Graduates". This is OK as a Smart Group is all we need. On 15.9.20 Cath said, "There's now a Smart Group called Diploma Graduates. I've realised I'll need to change the criteria at some point (though I know you can manually add to the group). Currently their Case Status needs to be 'Diploma Holder' but we're not using Cases within the new system. Of course nobody can accredit in the new system for at least a year so I don't need to tinker with the criteria just yet."
    • Drupal Views can't filter by Smart Group. Would you believe it! There is an extension but not updated since 2016 https://github.com/fuzionnz/civicrm_views_smartgroup. I guess we need a Regular Civi group for this too...