Get inspired by Permaculture in Practice

Some of the best places to see permaculture in practice are the demonstration sites that are part of the Project and LAND Network. There are over 40 in the UK. Check out the map below to find out more about the different projects and Land Centres and to plan your visit.

What is a Land Centre?

A Land Centre is a place that you can visit or volunteer at to see and experience earth care, people care and fair share in action.

All Land Centres welcome visitors and many run events, courses and workshops. Sites include suburban gardens, smallholdings, rural farms, city farms, agroforestry, forest gardens, and amazing allotments. Contact individual centres for further details and to arrange your visit and find out their current covid guidelines.

Read the profile of a centre to find out what practical tips and techniques you can learn and apply to your own life, home or workplace. Sites include examples of orchards and forest gardening, hugel beds, no dig gardening, food preservation, soil management, natural farming, agroforestry, green building, market gardening, water management, compost toilets, passive greenhouses, renewable energy, herbal medicine, composting, community building, Living in Place, Active Hope and permaculture ethics.

What is a Project?

A project is a community initiative that has been inspired by or designed using permaculture principles, designs, ethics, practices or techniques. There are an unlimited range of projects that fall into this category from global movements to back yard gardens in towns, cities, rural areas and online. Examples of this are ‘Transition Network’, eco villages, food networks and housing cooperatives, community allotments and hubs, school projects, guerrilla gardens, seed saving initiatives, fruit picking and preserving clubs, nature connection and wellbeing centres.

Many of these projects don’t accept visitors but may welcome volunteers or run events and activities.

Videos from our Projects and Land Centres:

What can you see at Applewood Permaculture Project

Henbant Farm – Agroforestry and No Dig Market Garden

Virtual Tour of London Permaculture Projects

Join our Network of Project and Land Centres

If you are a member of the Permaculture Association then you can add your project to our map.

Why do we want you on our new map?

  • To celebrate you, your work and all of the other inspiring permaculture projects and LAND centres that exist within our membership.
  • To demonstrate the far-reaching impact that permaculture principles, designs and practice have on our communities around the UK.
  • To help to raise your project profile, attract more visitors, volunteers, promote your events and courses
  • To develop regional permaculture networks around the UK.

Are you interested in becoming a Land Centre?

We are in the process of reviewing the criteria for becoming a Land Centre working in partnership with the International iLAND Project. Please fill in this expression of interest form if you would like to find out more about this or to be part of our new LAND pilot scheme.