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There will be a reflective phase available as soon as you register. Then from 17th Jan we will begin the active design phase. There will be lessons released each week for 7 weeks from 17th Jan. During this time there will be 3 whole group calls live with Looby & Jon, plus 3 smaller group tutorials with our experienced facilitation team.
sliding scale from £95, bursary places available as wel
Course summary

Looby Macnamara is creator of the Design Web - an organic, dynamic design framework specifically created for use in people based designs (although can also be used for land based designs as well). The Design Web was first featured in Looby's book People & Permaculture, and has more recently been expanded upon in her latest book Cultural Emergence.

This is a 7 week course with Looby Macnamara and Jon Young. The CEED (Cultural Emergence Effective Design) course develops our design skills needed for the MOVE & INVIGORATE phase of Cultural Emergence. We focus on how we can manifest our goals and visions effectively. You are guided to make a design for yourself using the Design Web (created by Looby) to create a culture of effectiveness and connection. The course starts with a reflective phase which is available as soon as you enrol, then the active design phase begins 17th Jan

This training will give you the confidence and skills to design any aspect of your life. You will gain design skills and tools ready to take forward and do more designs. Using the Design Web as a framework we move with intention and clarity to create flexible, motivating designs for an aspect of our lives. The design you create becomes a 'CEED' that you can grow and cultivate beyond the course.

Certified teacher
Jon Young
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Contact telephone number
07786 262 864

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