Dates and times
Monthly on the 1st All day
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Monthly on the 1st All day
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Course summary

Permaculture Consultancy Course Are you passionate about permaculture and would like to share your knowledge and enthusiasm on to others. This is the course for you. Learn more about permaculture and how to operate as a consultant. There are three main modules - Permaculture Systems, Advanced Permaculture and Professional Practice For Consultants. Then choose three remaining modules from a variety of electives, such as - organic agriculture and farming, sustainable agriculture, alternative energy, nut and fruit production, classroom delivery skills and more. The course is self-paced. You can start at any time to suit you. The course includes tutor support and requires around 600 hours of study.

Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Advanced Design Skills
Engagement style

Course contact email
Contact name
Contact telephone number
01384 442752

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