Dates and times
More info
We will start at lunchtime on tuesday 3rd October, we will finish by midday on sunday 8th October.
Sliding scale £350-495
Course summary

This training will give you the confidence and skills to design any aspect of your life. We will be using the design web to create a design for ourselves as well as exploring how it can best be used in different scenarios. Participants will leave with a design for integrating Cultural Emergence into their lives at many levels. Participants will deepen their connection and understanding of the core routines and principles of Cultural Emergence. We will also be exploring how to bring Cultural Emergence to a wider audience to bring more breakthroughs in creating a life enhancing culture for all beings.

This course is available to anyone who has permaculture design or cultural emergence knowledge. (having one or the other will give you a good starting point, and then both of these will become integrated on the course)

Humanity is presently at a time of mass cultural emergency; we see the personal, social, political and environmental problems as stemming from a lack of cultural understanding and cohesion. We believe there are tools that can help turn this around into mass cultural emergence; where abundance, gratitude, care and connection are part of our everyday culture. Emergence is a term used in systems thinking where 2 or more things come together with unexpected results. By bringing people together with these tools and methods we have the opportunity to ask good questions and to co-create answers and solutions and emerge the culture we want.

Cultural Emergence is a set of core routines and principles distilled and synthesised from Looby Macnamara and Jon Young's wisdom and experience.

Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact telephone number
01584 831195

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