Dates and times
More info
The course will be run through ZOOM on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, for the four weeks – last two weeks in January and first two weeks in February - usually from 12:45 to 17:45 (GMT) - with an optional "social online" each Wednesday at a time to be agreed with participants.
Sliding scale from £600 to £250 depending on income level
Course summary

Struggling to make sense of what is happening?

Concerned about climate change?

Keen to make yourself and your family more resilient? 

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How about taking a look at permaculture through this 72 hour (UK) certificated course which will be taught online interactively, with three lead facilitators and other guest speakers? Graham Bell one of the longest standing Permaculture teachers in the UK will be leading the course and issuing a UK PDC certificate at the end. He will be assisted by Mark Shipperlee and Caspar Lampkin (the three have taught together both online and courses in various parts of Scotland).

The course will have a mix of taught sessions, discussions and group work online, and some work in your own time, to make up a minimum of 72 hours (required for certification). If you have any specific questions, or to make a booking, please email Mark at [email protected].

There are only 24 places available - our June course sold out! TO BOOK - please email [email protected] to book a place and confirm how you would like to pay - bank transfer, cheque, etc.

Certified teacher
Casper Lampkin
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style

Course contact email
Contact name
Mark Shipperlee

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