Dates and times
£90, £60, £40, £25 (see above for more details)
Course summary

Introduction to permaculture for city dwellers.

Churchill Gardens Environmental Club are hosting an introduction to permaculture workshop on the Churchill Gardens estate, Pimlico, SW1V.

The aim of the workshop is to train local residents and other community activists on how to use permaculture design to build communities and create biodiverse, efficient inner-city food growing systems.

We will cover the basic permaculture principals, which can be used to design buildings, communities, economic systems as well as food growing. We will then look at urban food growing strategies, including plus forest gardening.

One of the key outcomes of the workshop is to design a community garden, a herb garden, a wildlife garden and a forest garden on the estate.

Course outline
• Introduction to what is permaculture & the history of permaculture
• Peak oil and transition towns (why food prices are increasing and what we can do about it)
• Ethics and basic principals of permaculture
• Simplifying systems (understanding system inputs and outputs)
• Web of life (how and why we need to value diversity)
• What can we learn from patterns in nature
• How to observe nature
• A simple design methodology: SADIM
• Basics of forest gardening
• Create a design for a community garden, a herb garden, a wildlife garden and a forest garden

Cost of the workshop is on an ability to pay sliding scale
£120 Sponsored/organisation rate
£90 Individual income more than 25k/yr
£60 Individual income less than 25k/yr
£40 For people in receipt of means tested benefits
£25 Members of the Churchill Gardens Environmental Club (membership is free to all local residents and others willing to participate regularly in the clubs activities)

Please use this link to apply…

Contact Rakesh for more details
[email protected]
07575 009 322

Rakesh + Co teacher to be confirmed
Courses default image
Course type
Introduction to Permaculture

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