Dates and times
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Arrival in the afternoon of 2nd July. Final teaching full day 16th with end-of course party to follow. Departure 17th a.m.
£680, concessions £290 (means tested) TBC!
Course summary

You will learn in-depth how the workings of nature can be applied to our lives and make us more sustainable.
About Keveral:
Keveral was one of the first farms in the country to become a Soil Association Registered Organic Farm. Several co-operative structures exist on the farm, including a housing Co-op for the community. Some activities and small businesses on the farm include a vegbox scheme, camping, courses, mushroom growing, apple juice and cider making, herbalism and basket making. Keveral is a registered demonstration site for the Permaculture Association Land Project.

Bryn Thomas, Klaudia van Gool
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course

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