Dates and times
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6 weekends between April 4th and October 11th 2020
(April 4&5; May 1,2&3 (residential); June 13&14; July 25&26; September 12&13; October 10&11)

Each day we'll meet at 10am and finish at 5.30pm with some optional evening sessions. On the residential we'll meet on Friday night between 6.30 and 7.30 and finish on Sunday at 5pm.
between £380 and £720
Course summary

6 weekends between April 4th and October 11th 2020
(April 4&5; May 1,2&3 (residential); June 13&14; July 25&26; September 12&13; October 10&11)

South London + one weekend residential

The Permaculture Design Course is a 72-hour often life-changing experience, accredited by the UK Permaculture Association.

Over the period of 6 months we will come together as a learning community to explore practical and creative solutions for building resilient neighbourhoods and designing abundant eco-systems.

We will discover how we can work with, rather than against nature to fulfil our human needs whilst caring for the earth and the people.

The course has a strong practical emphasis on ecological and social design thinking and how this can be applied in different parts of our life and society.

The course offers us the opportunity to face the predicaments of climate breakdown and the biodiversity crisis and form our own healthy response to these challenges.

“I feel like I know a secret and want to share it with the world”

Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Michel Thill
Contact telephone number

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