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This course is based around enabling you to use Permaculture in your own situations as well as being an introduction to the theory and ideas that re 'Permaculture'. So it is suitable for those currently working on or planning a project, as well as those with an interest in finding out more about what this 'Permaculture' thing is all about!

For more details, logistics and specifics please see the full course outline
£120 -sliding scale available
Course summary

In this Introduction to Permaculture weekend workshop we will focus on how to design and set up and maintain home and small-holding scale systems which productively cycle energy around a site.

We will consider Water, Fertility, Sun, Wind, Human & Animal energy from the perspective of there being "No such thing as waste" (It's just stuff in the wrong place! – formidable vegetable sound system)

So let's get our stuff in the right place! and arrange our spaces to encourage energy to flow through the land/home/people-scapes efficiently, effectively and productively, maximising production & minimising environmental pollution.

Integrating: Land, Animals, People, Water Harvesting & use, Food production, Structures and Shelter,Woodlands, Renewable power and more...

Using: Permaculture ethics & design principles - a simple design process.

Hannah Mole w/guests
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Course type
Introduction to Permaculture
Engagement style
Face to face

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