Dates and times
More info
Wk 1 Tue 12th & Thu 14th April ........
Wk 2 Tue 19th & Thu 21st April ........
Wk 3 Tue 26th & Thu 28th April ........
Wk 4 Tue 3rd & Thu 5th May ........
Wk 5 Tue 10th & Thu 12th May ........
Wk 6 Tue 17th & Thu 19th May ........
4pm to 8pm UK time (British Summer Time)
Ideal £600. Average £450. Minimum £300
Course summary

The course will cover two major aspects of teaching Permaculture:
1. The Curriculum, as agreed by the Education Working Group of the Permaculture Association Britain (of which Graham is currently Chair) see for details
2. Practical techniques for teaching effectively
Our intention in offering this course is to follow on from Bill Mollison’s original insight, that the world was in dire need of sustainable solutions to reverse the human destruction of our ecosystems, to provide for human needs in a better way which respects not just the requirements of a burgeoning human race, but of all the life on planet Earth, limiting our consumption and more fairly sharing our resources.
It is forty-six years since Permaculture was first proposed as a coherent, well thought out system for consciously designing for these priorities. From the outset Bill encouraged people to go and ‘spread the word’ (and thousands have, resulting in millions who have experienced Permaculture insight in one form or another).
We believe it is important to continue to grow the body of people who are sharing this wisdom and its practical application around the world. Between us we have worked with several thousand people from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures. We are passionate that the quality of how we deliver courses has a direct effect on the outcome of the considerable effort that people make to take up this learning in the first place.

To meet the needs of the trainers we kindly request the following recommended contribution, however if this is outside of your ability to contribute then please let us know of your circumstances and we will find a way to get you on the course.
Ideal £600
Average donation £450.
Minimum suggested £300 (contact us if you cannot afford this)

More details here

Registration here

Certified teacher
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Teacher Training
Engagement style

Course contact email
Contact name
Rakesh "Rootsman Rak"

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