Dates and times
Course summary

A full design course in the West Bank, Palestine.
The Marda Permaculture Farm is a working farm and a demonstration site for permaculture principles, techniques and strategies. Based in the community of Marda, the project promotes food security, health, self-reliance and empowerment. This is accomplished through modelling of water harvesting and conservation, energy conservation and small-scale drylands production with readily available and locally-appropriate materials. Outreach is accomplished through permaculture workshops for women and farmers. The Farm aims to be a model of sustainable development and self-sufficiency for the whole of Palestine and to build connections with permaculture projects regionally and internationally.

Klaudia van Gool, Leslie Buerk
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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