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Following the residential there will be a year long programme of connection, support and design work
Sliding scale £995-1395
Course summary

This training will enable us to deepen our personal and social permaculture design skills and offer facilitation, courses and coaching to a wide audience.

The residential course and the yearlong mentoring is designed to support people in:
*More skilfully using the Design Web and other Social Permaculture tools, for designing, coaching and facilitating
*Developing their own pathway as a facilitator for running trainings and/or for coaching and consulting for individuals and organisations
*Exploring and practicing facilitation tools for use on those pathways (coaching, giving good feedback, presentation skills, holding emotional space, patterns of learning, Zone 00 work, games and energisers, communication skills, right livelihoods, exploring different forms of facilitation…)
*Becoming members of the Thriving Ways people and permaculture collective

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Course type
Teacher Training
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact telephone number
01584 831195

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