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22 - 24 April 2017. The final long weekend of 3 leading to a full PDC.
£130. Concessions available. Early bird discount by 22 Mar.
Course summary

This module - the last of 3 leading to a full PDC - will be held at the Centre for Alternative Technology in mid-Wales, a world renowned centre for learning and demonstrating ecological ways of living, and will also incorporate visits to other inspirational sites where experienced permaculture practitioners will show you how they have applied permaculture thinking to their projects. Your tutors, Dr Angie Polkey and Dr Kate Hamilton, have between them over 25 years' experience in using permaculture thinking and applying it in practice, in some very wide-ranging fields of activity. They are also established teachers with lots of experience of teaching diverse groups adults in accessible and dynamic ways. Each module starts at about 9.30am and ends no later than 5pm on the final afternoon.

Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact telephone number
01974 831300

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