Course website

Dates and times
More info
30 May 2024 Online - session 1 with tutors and other participants

15-16 June 2024 In person - 1 weekend (2 days) onsite at Carraig Dulra

27 June 2024 Online - session 2 with tutors and other participants

13-20 July (inclusive) In person - 1 full week (8 days) onsite at Carraig Dulra
Payment plan options available
€200 booking deposit required to secure a place
Up to €1000 funding available for people in receipt of Department of Social Protection (DSP) payments via the Training Support Grant (TSG) please get in touch asap if you are considering applying for this as iut can take some weeks to process.
Course summary

2024 is our 11th year of the fully accredited* Permaculture Design Course at Carraig Dulra.

The course is taught using a ‘blended’ learning model:

  • A total of 10 days onsite at Carraig Dulra focussing practical hands on & design skills.
  • A wealth of specially curated pre-course, learning resources which will remain available to you after the course.
  • 2 Online group sessions with tutors and co-participants guiding you through pre-course learning at home and in your own projects.

* UK Permaculture Association Accredited

Certified teacher
Led by Hannah Mole and Suzie Cahn,
Our tutor team also draws and depends on our wonderful tutor team of 12+ local and national Permaculture practitioners
Apprentice teachers
This course is open to offers from apprentice teachers wishing to gain teaching experience
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

Carraig Dulra Organic Farm,
Barnbawn road, Genealy
A67 P738

Course contact email
Contact name
Hannah Mole
Contact telephone number

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