Dates and times
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To complete the full PDC you must enrol on Permaculture 1 before Permaculture 2 - see website for dates in Oct 17 and Feb 18 - followed by Permaculture 3 in Apr 18.
Course summary

Permaculture design is all about creating ecologically sound ways of living based on observing natural systems and applying ecological principles to what we do. It equips you to care for the earth, yourself, and others in ways that are resilient, abundant, and rewarding - and it can be a truly life-changing and empowering approach to learn.

The basic qualification for doing permaculture design is a Permaculture Design Certificate. This course offers you the opportunity to gain your PDC by taking three modules. The three modules plus a minimum of 8 hours guided personal study between modules cover the full PDC curriculum as recently endorsed by the membership of the Permaculture Association. The Permaculture Association will also issue your final certificate, which is recognised by other permaculture practitioners internationally.

Part of the course will be held at the Centre for Alternative Technology in mid-Wales, a world renowned centre for learning and demonstrating ecological ways of living, and will also incorporate visits to other inspirational sites where experienced permaculture practitioners will show you how they have applied permaculture thinking to their projects.

The second module, Permaculture 2, will be held at Blaeneinion an inspiring conservation & permaculture project set in 75 acres of land at the head of Artists Valley, near Machynlleth: . This will be a residential module both to deepen your experience of permaculture in practice and because of the remote nature of the location.

Your tutors, Dr Angie Polkey and Dr Kate Hamilton, have between them over 25 years' experience in using permaculture thinking and applying it in practice, in some very wide-ranging fields of activity. They are also established teachers with lots of experience of teaching diverse groups adults in accessible and dynamic ways.

Certified teacher
Angie Polkey & Kate Hamilton
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Angie Polkey

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