Dates and times
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we start and finish the course with a weekend, and run it on monthly Saturdays in between giving time to digest and study the content in depth.
Course summary

The course is run over 12 days at the Apricot centre - a well established permaculture working site as well as Old Hall and one other local farm to give an overview of livestock, community living as well. We use a range of tutors drawing on a wealth of experience in permaculture design, rural and urban, small scale and large scale.
We are an hour out of London on the train, 2 miles form Manningtree Station we can collect or it is a lovely walk / cycle through the fields.

Marina O'Connell plus others
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email
Contact name
Marina O'Connell
Contact telephone number
01203 230425

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