Dates and times
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Thursdays daytime 10.00am to 4.00pm. Half term May28th. Plus 7 Saturdays for practicals, trips and visits. I will send you a booking form with more details. Bring and share vegetarian lunches each day. Light refreshments tea, coffee etc. are provided free.
£520/£420 or £320 concessions (non-residential)
Course summary

Do you think differently about life and wonder why we waste so much stuff? Do you think about the future of the planet? Do you want to make changes, but are not sure how to start?
The Full Permaculture Design Course could be the springboard you need to explore your ideas. Meet like minded people and enjoy sharing experience and knowledge. Discover ways to live sustainably and achieve your dreams.
Why Stroud?
Stroud is famous for its alternative and foodie culture, and our PDC in Stroud opens doors into the unique world of this vibrant town. We take you to visit projects round the area where you meet people who make livelihoods based on sustainable businesses of all kinds, from herbalism to wooden buildings. We tap into the pool of really knowledgeable and experienced people here. The team of course tutors draws on this wide pool of knowledge in the town.
Running at Tin Bath House a LAND Centre near Stroud. Set in a beautiful Cotswold valley with amazing wildlife. There is a kitchen garden and there will lots of practical sessions held outdoors there. This is an ideal course if you are interested in no-dig vegetable growing.
Students work in groups on a real project using Permaculture Design skills - you can bring your own idea and use it for this - it is a great way of getting help with your own project. It could be a garden, house, allotment, field, business or group.
Some of our teaching venues are on steep slopes - please ask if you have accessibility needs of any kind.

Certified teacher
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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