Dates and times
This course attracts EU funding, see website for details
Course summary

During eight interactive and information-filled days, Small Planet will be offering a course to enhance your skills in teaching permaculture and to add new information to your curriculum. Held in Friland eco-village, Denmark, the course aims to attract people from across Europe. The 2010 course had people from over 12 countries which led to a very rich experience and great fun! Andy has over 16 years of permaculture teaching experience, edited the Permaculture Teachers Guide and has led a number of train the trainer courses. Catherine has a wealth of practical permaculture experience. More information on the website.

Objectives of the course:

* To present tools, ideas and methodologies to boost your teaching and curriculum design.
* To bring together European Permaculture educators to exchange ideas about teaching methods and content.
* To help educators to teach creatively and confidently.
* To provide the opportunity for educators to create their own support and communication network within Europe.

Andy Goldring and Catherine Dolleris
Courses default image
Course type
Teacher Training
Course contact email
Contact name
Jo Morandin

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