Dates and times
See website - fully subsidised places from EU available
Course summary

We would like to invite you to participate in our Permaculture Educators' Course to be held in Denmark this autumn.
If you are currently teaching permaculture, or if you want to start teaching permaculture, this course will provide you with creative teaching skills to improve your courses.

Full funding is available for this course from the EU, but the deadline for applications is April 30th.
Please read the advertisement below, visit our website, and contact me if you need further information.

Feel free to send this email further, to people you think may be interested in the course.

Please note that a pre-requisite of this course is the 72-hour Permaculture Design Certificate

Andy Goldring and Cathrine Dolleris
Courses default image
Course type
Teacher Training
Course contact email
Contact name
Jo Morandin

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