Read the Annual Review here.

Please note, this is an interim report. The final report, with accounts, will be available once our financial audit is complete (our first one)!

Welcome from the Board of Trustees

The year in review saw UK permaculture reach a global audience as we hosted the 12th International Permaculture Convergence and Conference, as well as a series of related events across the nations and regions.

Many of you will have attended, participated and lent a hand at these events. All of you that came, participated in a workshop, led a workshop, volunteered, shared on social media, translated, took photos, recorded sessions, helped tat down, networked with other folk, or engaged with any other of the thousand activities that made the events happen are part of their success. The core convergence and conference were attended by over 1100 people from 70 countries, and I’m particularly proud of the supported scholarships that allowed 27 permaculture practitioners to attend who otherwise would have been financially excluded.

The staff of the Association were impeccable in rising to the considerable challenges of hosting the largest and most complex event in our 33 year history as an organisation and I want to celebrate here, on behalf of the Board, all the work that current and former staff put into the event’s design, planning and implementation. Their commitment, aptitude and good humour throughout over a year of pre-event activity and the roller coaster of the events themselves were essential. The work achieved by a small, determined team continues to inspire.

As action learners, all that activity has provided a fertile resource for developing future work and going forward we can expect a vibrant and diverse range of events and other ways to engage – more opportunities to learn, share, participate and design the world we want. Permaculture is not a DIY movement, it’s a DIWO movement – we do it with others, we do it together. And there’s lots to do – get involved!

James Taylor, Chair

Read the Annual Review here.