As millions gather globally to climate strike and government leaders meet at the UN in New York, the European Day of Sustainable Communities on 21 September is celebrating the transformational communities who are taking practical, grassroots action towards a zero-carbon, regenerative and inclusive Europe.

Citizens in 22 countries have organised hundreds of events - from conferences to community harvest festivals, hackathons to shared meals - to highlight their efforts in the face of ecological and climate breakdown.

A map of all events is shared online, which is available in eight languages: Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian and Spanish.

Some examples of events taking place:
Germany - A weekend of exploring why politics must embrace permaculture, the design system for an ecologically sound way of living.

UK - Hendon Regenerative Culture Garden explores what groups can achieve if given land to manage for the wellbeing of both local human & wildlife communities. And in Shropshire there’s a taster of volunteering on an organic farm as a woofer (willing worker on organic farm) while in Resilient Communities Gathering there’ll be space to explore the strong emotions climate change is provoking.

Italy - a tour of local sustainable practices at Porto 15 co-housing project, Bologna.

Ireland - Buzzfest festival, Phibsborough, Dublin including a repair café, sustainable living advice, neighbourhood biodiversity tips, and a blessing of the local bee hives; a meeting to progress the creation of a community biodiversity plan in remote Co Donegal.

Romania - a seed and plant swap followed by a sunset music jam organised by the Romanian Transition, seeds and plant exchange movements.

Serbia - the young people organising a climate strike in Belgrade have registered their event as part of the European Day of Sustainable Communities.

Spain - An open day at the world’s first ecosystem restoration camp, in the Murcia province; two regional permaculture convergences; a hackathon focused on the development of social and urban innovation projects, promoted by Valencia City Council’s Innovation Centre; an online webinar on how creating ecovillages can reverse rural depopulation.

Germany - Near Aachen Eschweiler am Forsthaus, a day of harvesting and juicing apples for children and their parents; In Sieben Linden ecovillage a day exploring how to contribute to climate protection by improving the soil with biochar.

Italy - Valnerina area of Umbria, a waste clean-up by the local community supported by the municipality
Slovenia - the youth climate justice movement explores the environmental, social and economic challenges of mobile phones from production to end-of-life.

The European Day of Sustainable Communities is also about raising awareness, among the general public and policy makers at European Union, national, regional and local municipal level, of the scope and potential of community-led action on climate change and sustainability.

To mark the Day, ECOLISE is organising a round-table discussion with members of the European Parliament in Brussels, in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Committee of the Regions (CoR), the EU’s assembly of local and regional authorities.
ECOLISE is supporting national partners thanks to winning the 2019 Lush Spring Prize Influence Award.
Join the celebration on social media with #EDSC19