Hello my name is Beth and I am the new Outreach Worker for Permaculture Scotland. I will be providing outreach support for the project “ ScotLAND Phase 2: Engaging hard to reach communities”:

What is ScotLAND?

ScotLAND is a Scotland-wide network supporting and creating permaculture Learning And Network Demonstration (LAND) Centres. The aim of ScotLAND is to demonstrate practical examples of permaculture design in various different places, micro-climates, and cultures throughout Scotland. These include both urban and rural home gardens, community gardens, public spaces, allotments, smallholdings and farms. For more info visit: www.scotland.permaculture.org.uk


What is my role?

My role is to develop and expand the ScotLAND network by:

•    Being the main point of contact for new and existing permaculture projects in Scotland.

•    Supporting and promoting our network of Learners, Centres and tutors;

•    Coordinating the group visit scheme which means that hard-to-reach and disadvantaged groups will get a financial contribution towards their travel costs and the host Centre will be paid for their time.

•    Encouraging and supporting more Learners and Centres to join the network from across Scotland (especially the North and islands); and

•    Reaching out and supporting permaculture initiatives including updating the application process, helping to organise skill-share events; and identifying and liaising with hard-to-reach and disadvantaged groups.


Get in touch! 

Are you based in Scotland and have a permaculture project, new or established? Are you interested in becoming a Learner or Centre? Would you like to organise a group to visit a permaculture Centre?  If so, we want to hear from you! We are also looking for volunteers to join our team! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch on [email protected]


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