by Richard Fox

We asked new member Richard to introduce where he is growing. Richard has years of experience and is adding permaculture to his toolbox.


I am fortunate enough to have a couple of acres of land, which had not been managed for a number of years and had reverted to wild meadow with a LOT of brambles.

About 5 years ago, I started to clear the brambles and in doing so realised that I could use the land to my benefit but needed to ensure I didn’t upset the wildlife that called it their home.

I have been a beekeeper for the past 10 years and have kept the hives in my back garden. However, I wished to increase my hive numbers and so about the same time I decided to move them to the land.

I planted an orchard for the bees to pollinate. I set to work creating allotment space to grow some vegetables, giving some space over to the local community to do the same. As I got into it and enjoyed the fruits of my labour, I set myself a 5 year plan to become as self-sufficient as I could. However, after about 12 months I realised I needed some guidance and support to make the most of my plan.

This is when permaculture came into my life. As soon as I read about the principles and ethics, I recognised myself and what I was trying to do.

Currently, I have a small allotment but am creating a larger one for this year, an orchard of apple, pear and cherry trees. I have begun a fruit cage (still in very early stages of construction), chickens, a worm farm and 3 homemade compost bins. I have also just finished planting a willow arch as an entrance way to the allotments.

This has been physical hard work at times but the results so far totally outweigh the sore muscles!

I am looking to get a polytunnel in the next year or so (finances permitting) and fencing the whole thing with natural English hedgerow.

I am just about to complete an Introduction to Permaculture course, and am looking to embark on the Permaculture Design Course some time in the next 6 months.

Designing for Resilience: The Foundatiosn of Permaculture