What is My Green Community?

My Green Community is a celebration of the fantastic grassroots work done by permaculture inspired projects and an opportunity for their community to visit, get inspired and to take action. Between the 17th-30th September, we are inviting members of our Projects and LAND network to open their doors and to run an event that showcases their work to the people on their doorstep. We are delighted to be running this event in collaboration with Communities for Future's European Day of Sustainable Communities and The Great Big Green Week run by the Climate Coalition. Help us to get permaculture on the map and to make this the biggest celebration of practical permaculture in the UK.  


How do I get Involved?

Its really easy to get involved. Simply decide what type of event you would like to run and on what date between the 17th-30th September you would like your event to take place. Fill in the My Green Community application form and we'll map your event on the Great Big Green Week and European Day of Sustainable Communities Websites and include it in our My Green Community Visitors Directory. We will give you lots of publicity through our social media, website and newsletters and give you access to lots of free resources to help you with organising and and promotion of your event. Taking part in My Green Community is a great way to let the people where you live know more about your work, get involved and to be able to take positive action towards a greener lifestyle and being part of a healthy, sustainable community.



What Type of Event Should I Run? 

The type of event that you would like to run is completely up to you, though we would recommend something that really engages people and shows off your work. Here are some ideas:

  • Open Day
  • Forest Garden Tour
  • Garden Party
  • Introduction to permaculture course
  • Apple day or harvest celebration
  • Demonstration of green crafts
  • Volunteer celebration day
  • Youth climate action workshop
  • Skillshare event 
  • Forest school session
  • Community meal using local produce
  • Film showing
  • Repair cafe/ bike repair session
  • Nature connection day 
  • Community climate cafe
  • Panel Discussion 
  • Green building/ retrofitting workshop

The team at the Great Big Green Week have put together this excellent inspiration pack to give you more ideas for your event.