Spirit Rosenberg from Great .com interviewed Permaculture Association as part of their 'Great .com Talks With...' podcast. This series is an antidote to negative news stories, that aims to shed light on organizations and experts whose work is having a positive impact on the world.

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has put normal life on hold and given many of us time to contemplate our relationship with nature. Ryan Sandford-Blackburn, strategic communications coordinator, discusses the principles behind the global permaculture movement and the benefits of realigning ourselves with our surroundings.

What is Permaculture?

Permaculture is hard to define because the term encompasses many different concepts. Broadly, it's a design philosophy inspired by observable patterns in nature. Ryan explains that it was founded on three ethical principles: earth care, people care and fair shares. By looking after the natural world and making sure everyone's needs are provided for, we can create healthy cultures and ecosystems and live on a happier planet.

Why is it so important?

The modern world leaves us disconnected from the surrounding environment. If we took a little longer to observe patterns in nature, we would gain more of a sense of how life works, how nature works and how to harness Mother Nature's feedback to regenerate communities and ecosystems.

Community is important in the permaculture movement. Like many people, Ryan first applied the principles of permaculture through gardening. He designed his front garden to be an attractive place to gather with friends and neighbours. His garden comprises fruit trees to feed his family, colourful plants so that pollinators can reinforce natural growth cycles and ideal conditions to improve soil health.

How do people come together?

There are a number of online communities focusing on permaculture, such as Permaculture UK Official Facebook group, which has thousands of members. Members gather in regular online calls and events. These groups are all about fostering a safe space to share ideas and best practice. The Permaculture Association promotes people and communities in Britain and across the international network, connecting people who are using permaculture to design community projects, grow food sustainably and care for wildlife.

How Can You Get Involved?

You can become a member of Permaculture Association for £36 a year. This gives you access to a whole community of like-minded individuals and allows you to take part in monthly socials and an annual Convergence. Permaculture Association also offers online permaculture courses, so you can get learning and apply permaculture principles in your everyday life!

To listen to the full interview and gain access to over 50 episodes filled with inspiring news, visit Great .com. 

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