You donated an incredible £17,578. 
This money will go directly to our friends at Permaculture In Ukraine to purchase and distribute first aid medical kits to those people who have been cut off from safety corridors. 
Casualties are growing larger every day, and Ukrainian permaculture communities are doing what they can to help. Medical supplies are running out and we will help to get supplies into areas that other agencies are unable to reach.

Who We Are:

We are a global collective of permaculture folks who support each other internationally within the permaculture community.
This collective includes:

How We Will Send the First Aid Kits:

We and our friends have arranged to personally travel with the first aid kits to deliver them where they are most needed.
We are working to arrange larger shipments of supplies and aid from the UK to the Ukraine. We have arranged for a smaller number of kits to be sent immediately. The ‘Permaculture In Ukraine’ community are arranging the distribution directly within the country.