Permaculture Association Blog

Read inspiring stories, celebrate news and learn about the amazing work of our Permaculture Association members and our flourishing community.

Last updated 29/08/23

Opening the Garden Gates at Foxfield LAND Centre

As Covid restrictions ease and the warmer weather beckons, our network of LAND demonstration sites are beginning to reopen their gates to welcome you to have an immersive experience of practical permaculture.

Last updated 20/04/22

Book review: The Vertical Veg Guide to Container Gardening by Mark Ridsdill Smith

by Sarah Cossom

After I read this book I went straight out to sort out my wormery*. It’s that kind of book - one that inspires you to garden just that little bit better, regardless of the level you’re at.


Last updated 20/04/22

An apple a day...

by Wade Muggleton

Station Road PC Garden is a domestic scale design based on 1950’s ex local authority semi. It is an 80ft by 40ft back garden and a 40ft by 30ft front garden and our aim was to produce as much homegrown produce for our own use as possible.


Last updated 02/08/23

Losing the plot

by Sarah Cossom

Do you live in fear of your allotment committee, waiting for the day when you get a letter about your ‘messy’ plot? If so, you’re not alone! Across the UK, we’ve been hearing stories about permaculture plot holders who are finding their growing practices are not in keeping with traditional allotment ‘rules’. 


Last updated 29/08/23

Becoming a LAND Centre



Last updated 21/06/23

Visiting and Volunteering


Last updated 28/06/23

Introducing Our New Programme of Free Project Masterclasses


In these turbulent times, permaculture projects can serve as a huge source of hope and inspiration for people who want to make positive changes to care for the earth and its inhabitants, but don't know how.


Last updated 02/08/23

Building EcoDIY design

by Chris Southall

I spent nine years living a self-sufficient lifestyle, off-grid with my family in the Isle of Man in the 1970’s. Because of that I’ve always had these ideas in various degrees. When I met Rosie eleven years ago, we discovered Permaculture and realizing how much it chimes with our own ideas, integrated its techniques into our plans for EcoDIY.


Last updated 04/01/23

Inspirational Projects & LAND Gatherings for 2022

by Kath Baker

Welcome to our 2022 programme of online gatherings hosted by some of the most inspiring permaculture practitioners and educators in the network. This is your opportunity to meet up with other people running permaculture projects and LAND centres to get inspired by their project stories, to learn new skills and to get support and advice for your project work.


Last updated 05/01/22

Book review: The Forager's Garden by Anna Locke

by Sarah Cossom

The Forager’s Garden is a fantastic book, whether you’re new to permaculture, an experienced practitioner, or somewhere inbetween.

Anna Locke's accessible and approachable writing style makes creating your own foraging patch seem realistic, achievable, and most of all, fun!