Lusi in the apple blossom

Author: Lusi Alderslowe

Design start date: October 2020

Design end date: ongoing!!! This write up finished August 2023

Design title: 6 Catherine Street Garden Overview

Design aims/overview: to create a design for my whole site, giving an overview of paths, and approximately what will go where


Design Process: SADIMET

Design Tools: Observation tools in other document including zones, sectors, 

Identify functions; SMART goal; functions, systems, elements; limiting factors; zones; tracing paper overlays; card cut-outs


Permaculture ethics:Earth care, People Care and Fair share

Permaculture principles (from Bill Mollison): 

  • Each element has multiple functions
  • Every important function is served by many elements
  • Yield is unlimited
  • Work with nature

I have recorded me talking you through the design process in case that's easier for you, you can see it here:

Related to compost design:


Lusi Alderslowe

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