The Oxford Art Ensemble (OAE) is a collective of musicians, writers, digital sound artists and visual artists/film makers, who immerse their audiences in multi-disciplinary performances, exploring how we can come together in order to address the overwhelming complexity of the interconnected crises of our time. The OAE core group of multi-instrumentalist musicians invite local writers and performing artists to co-create unique performances, using different approaches to group improvisation and making improvised performance accessible to all audiences. We take our inspiration from the Art Ensemble of Chicago, a collective of multi-instrumentalists, who pioneered musical improvisation in the 70’s and challenged the political and cultural paradigm of their time.

People based design

Performing arts collective (music, film and writing)

Framework: Design Web


Tools used: functions-systems-elements, input-output analysis, need behind the need, needs cluster, 8 forms of capital,  optimizing systems, visual representation, Permaculture principles and ethics.



Practical Solutions Categories
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full design
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