Course website

Dates and times
Early Bird €495 if paid before April 15th. Usual fee is €550
Course summary

Learn how we can live more sustainably using ecological design - practical skills for horticulture, farming, enterprise, green building, perma-facture, collaboration, social innovation and community resilience.
The setting for this immersive course is Cloughjordan Ecovillage, one of Ireland’s leading examples of an ecosystem of innovation. it includes over 55 eco-homes, community woodlands, renewable energy production, a wood-fired bakery, research gardens and a community farm.

"A thorough grounding in systems design for resilient living in a volatile world. A jumping-off point for those who are looking for change" - Isabelle O'Kane, 2016

See the course trailer:

Davie Philip, Ben Whelan, Hannah Mole, Aranya via Skype and guests to be announced.
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Philippa Robinson
Contact telephone number
+353 (0)505 42683

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