Dates and times
More info
20 July - early arrivals, accommodation set up & orientation
21 July - first full day teaching starting at 10 a.m. (all other days we start at 9 a.m)
1 full day off mid-course (27th of July) - date to be confirmed
3 August - course closes 4pm
Sliding scale €1,200 - €650
Course summary

The Carraig Dúlra Permaculture Design Course (PDC) embraces head, heart and hands-on learning, offering a transformative and immersive educational experience at the beautiful 'Carraig Dúlra', a 4 acre Permaculture research site in the South East of Ireland.

Lead tutors are Hannah Mole and Suzie Cahn, together together with team of up to ten guest tutors; practitioners, designers and teachers from across the country.

The carefully designed education environment of Carraig Dúlra, the tutor team and course content will empower you to apply Permaculture design to your own garden, household, farm, business, community project and even your own life path.
This PDC includes hands- on practical experience each day, applies and explores social permaculture opportunities and challenges 'live' within the group, visits and case studies other local projects, and yet more!
We cover all the core curriculum that you would expect on a PDC through an integrated and interactive teaching and learning approach.
Experience Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in action!

In our 5th year of running this course at Carraig Dúlra we are delighted to be integrating it with the Irish Permaculture Gathering, and the European Permaculture Convergence, both being hosted in Wicklow following the course.
You could have a month-long Permaculture adventure this summer; complete a PDC at Carraig Dúlra, connect with the national network at the Irish Permaculture gathering, and follow that with the EUPC, all within County Wicklow, Ireland.

For lots more details please see the website at

Certified teacher
Hannah Mole, Suzie Cahn and Guests
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Contact telephone number
+353 (0) 85 1969790

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