Dates and times
Basic - €800 camping, all meals included
Course summary

We've run courses in multiple climate zones for over a decade. 3 years ago we planted our flag in the south of Portugal and have been working tirelessly to regenerate an abandoned farm in the southwest Alentejo.

Our site offers examples of annual and perennial gardens, a large managed forest, water harvesting and management, stunning hiking trails (it borders the Ruta Vicentina), numerous compost systems (hot/ vermi/ humanure), animal husbandry (chickens, goats), natural building, appropriate technology and infinite opportunities to lose yourself in a stunnung natural landscape.

Our team offers a deep dive into the theory and practice of permaculture on a site dedicated to permaculture education.

Come join us! Our courses are intense, focused on tangibles, fun and rewarding.

Certified teacher
Ângela Gonçalves
Jake Knight
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

Casa Nova da Cruz, Assoreiro, CCI 5544-A
7630-568 São Teotónio

Course contact email
Contact name
George Christofis

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