Dates and times
440.00 GBP Inc Camping/Organic food
Course summary

A fully integrated and up to date PDC from Integralpermanence with various guest teachers working with PC design around Europe. This course is for anybody wishing to be more useful and beneficial in their community and in the world. Whether new to Integrative Permaculture Design or wishing to refresh your knowledge and skill sets, this course is designed to empower students to effectively apply Permaculture Design to all areas of their lives.

Integralpermanence has taught PC to hundreds of students from 25 countries in all climate zones, this is a very high energy, quality and fun course at an incredible location at one of the cheapest prices worldwide for an accredited course!

Cost all inclusive, camping and organic food. Heated communal sleeping area if necessary!

Contact [email protected] for more information and booking (This email was listed incorrectly, please write again if you are trying to get through!!)

Richard Perkins, Guests
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email

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