Dates and times
€ 800
Course summary

This course provides the permaculteurs engaged in the design of places in-depth design skills, covering areas such as graphics, customer relations, production of technical plans and project management. This course covers the transmission tools, business processes and know-how to make designs on a professional level.

Prerequisites: This course is reserved for holders of a permaculture Design Course Certificate.

The trainer
Robyn Francis is one of permaculture’s most experienced educators and facilitators, since 1984 she has conducted over 120 PDCs, plus hundreds of workshops and short courses ranging from bamboo building and botany to ecovillage design, community facilitation and advanced permaculture teacher training. Robyn is also an experienced facilitator of community participatory processes, transition workshops, and has developed a range of creative tools for participatory learning. One of the key architects of the Accredited Permaculture Training™ (APT) qualifications with the Australian accreditation authorities in 2003, and has designed the curricula and training programs for Certificate III, IV and Diploma courses at PCA.

Participants: This course is intended for permaculteurs wishing to develop professional site design services.

Robyn Francis
Courses default image
Course type
Advanced Design Skills

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