Dates and times
550.00 gbp
Course summary

A unique new course format to support PDC graduates to take their work to a more professional level

Integralpermanence is offering 7 day Advanced Design Intensives with extended individual course work over 1 month to complete the training. This course will cover advanced permaculture design techniques and skills, mapping strategies, digital design, client interaction and project management methods and resources, business considerations for a permaculture design business and feedback to students via ongoing in-depth design work after the course ends.
This training is aimed to support PDC graduates, potential permaculture designers and practitioners wanting to take their permaculture design skills to a deeper level or actively participate in creating a positive post-carbon future. In addition to deepening design skills, we will explore functional and collaborative strategies relating to setting up and running a design business. This course is suitable for Permaculture teachers/ trainee teachers and Diploma apprentices and any other land based operatives.

Themes for IP_AdvancedDesign include;

• Pattern Literacy, The Scale of Permanence & landscape reading
• Climate, Geography, Water, Access, Forestry, Buildings, Sub division’s, Soils, Marketing & Energy
• Mapping & data gathering strategies
• Digital Design
• Carbon Sequestration
• Regenerative Agricultural Strategies
• Advanced water management strategies
• Species selection, Food Gardens and Building Perennial Polycultures
• Advanced Microclimate Design
• Project Management and Documentation
• Advanced design techniques and presentation creation skills
• Creating comprehensive client design and maintenance reports

Prerequisite is a PDC Certificate, students require a good general degree of digital literacy.

Richard Perkins, Integralpermanence
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Course type
Advanced Design Skills

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