Dates and times
Approx 400.00
Course summary

In this powerful intensive course we explore and demonstrate Keyline® Design, Holistic Management and Advanced Permaculture techniques.
If we wish to stabilize the climate and increase production of food for the growing world population we need to understand and utilize water effectively and sequester carbon. Water is the basis of all life on earth, and with water under control we can grow the plants that sequester Carbon into the soil, where most of it belongs. This 5 day workshop and practicum delves into the incredible regenerative potency of Keyline Design™, Holistic Management™, Permaculture Design & other emergent regenerative ecological and agricultural strategies that represent innovative and creative new approaches to land and farm management. These approaches are capable of profound regeneration of landscapes, and pioneering enterprises around the world are demonstrating financially viable models that maintain a good quality of life.
We are proud to bring the first Yeoman’s Plow to Sweden, which we will be utilizing for pasture development and high quality tree planting here and particularly in the Mediterranean where we are engaged with project work, research and farm development. We will have the opportunity to demonstrate this incredible machinery as well as the innovative adaptations we will be making for tree work and compost tea/ BioFert application.
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Richard Perkins, Integralpermanence
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Course type
Advanced Design Skills

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