Dates and times
More info
Part 1 8/6/13 to 13/6/13
Part 2 24/8/13 29/8/13
£250 to £500 + £195 food and accommodation (see above)
Course summary

Be empowered towards our brighter, greener, more sociably future

The aim of this course is to give you the tools, enthusiasm and support to create true abundance in all areas of life (from food, energy, shelter, through to community, work and your spiritual welfare). You will learn how by observing and working with nature and through thoughtful intentional design you can make your life more fulfilling, without exploiting or creating pollution.

Ananda Bharati, Sunrise Farm, County Clare, Ireland is an eco-friendly organic farm and bakery, as well as a yoga and meditation centre.

Optional course extras
For those who are interested we will run optional yoga and meditation classes, We will also make time for participants to share any skills and knowledge they wish to share with the group

Voluntary implementation work
After the second part of the course, many of us will stay behind as volunteers to implement some of the designs we have made. This may include creating food growing sites, a forest garden, water harvesting systems, greywater treatment systems, a biogas plant and other biodigester systems.

Course Cost*
* please note food and accommodation costs are additional (see below)
Very early booking £250 (€312) if paid before 1st Feb 2013
Low income discount £300 (€375) must be paid in full by 1st May 2013
Waged early payment £400 (€500) must be paid in full by 1st May 2013
Full course cost £500 (€625)

Food and accommodation
For the full 12 day course the farm will ask €240 for up to 14 days stay, any days over will be charged at €20 per day. Discounts on food and accommodation may be considered, please contact Didi [email protected]
Food will be organic sentient vegetarian, with vegan options. Other specialist dietary requirements will be catered for upon request

Fill in this form to reserve your place

Rakesh Rootsman Rak + Guest teachers
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email
Contact name
Rakesh Rootsman Rak

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