Dates and times
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Two day course, Thurs 9th and Thurs 16th July 2015, 10am to 4pm.
£25 (£17 concessions)
Course summary

Discover how to disconnect your downpipe and create a beautiful, functional rain garden, sustained by rainfall that usually disappears straight down the drain. It’s a simple, effective way to minimise the negative impact of our hard,
urban surfaces. Rain gardens can be designed to fit into almost any space and even created in planters.
This course covers the theory and practice of creating your own rain garden.
Day 1: Theory of rain garden design; designing a rain garden for the Peli Pop-Up Park, Stroud.
Day 2: Putting the design into practice: building the rain garden in the Peli Pop-Up Park.

Book through Stroud Valleys Project.

Seb Buckton with support from Robert Bray Associates, Landscape Architects and Sustainable Drainage Consultants
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Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact telephone number
01453 753358

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