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Residential - evening discussions and activities in addition to daytime course. Lots of reflection time too.
£875 with a limited number of concessions on request.
Course summary

An intensive Permacultural exploration of the complex mix of landscape, networks, culture, limitations and opportunities in an urban setting. This design-focused course will support you in developing innovative design approaches to co-creating regenerative solutions for urban communities. Together we will explore inspiring ideas, expertise and experience from Bristol’s cutting-edge sustainability movement.

Gain hands-on experience of designing for communities through a range of tuition, activities, discussions and field trips. This course is essential learning for anyone who has taken a PDC and wants to take Permaculture out of the garden and into urban communities.

Explore how we can use Permaculture to design productive, regenerative and resilient urban communities by:
•Consulting with and engaging people towards the regeneration of their neighbourhoods
•Working alongside existing community development initiatives
•Creating inclusive systems that meet people’s needs
•Addressing the issues of access to affordable food and energy, education, land, and local economy
•Remediating degraded urban soil and water
•Uncovering and building connections and networks

The course has been designed in consultation with local community leaders and aims to address real needs and create viable designs and ideas to complement and augment local plans.

Sarah Pugh. Jillian Hovey, Peter Cow and Jess Clynewood with many guest tutors.
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Course type
Advanced Design Skills

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