Dates and times
More info
Friday evening (3 day option) or Saturday evening (2 day option) to Monday evening (bank holiday).
Two days £120 (early bird £105) Three days £150 (£130)
Course summary

Are you signed up to the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design?

Are you needing some design support, but finding it difficult to arrange?

This may be just what you're looking for...

These two or three days offer you an opportunity to polish up your design skills in the company of your peers. It is intended to help both those just starting out and those who feel close to accreditation. Come to learn, share, make new friends and to be inspired!

Are you still a bit confused about what you are supposed to be doing exactly on your Diploma pathway? ~ we'll put you back on track.

Are you feeling stuck with your design work and in need of some fresh inspiration? ~ we'll do our best to provide some.

Do you feel isolated? ~ we'll help you create a new support network.

During the event we will:

  • Demystify the Diploma process & recent changes for you.
  • Take a fresh and detailed look at the permaculture design process.
  • Add another design to your portfolio.
  • Share ideas and give valuable feedback on each others design work.
  • Create a mutual support network to help keep you on track.
  • Provide clarity on the criteria and the process leading to accreditation.
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