Dates and times
3000.00 SEK All Inc
Course summary

Curious what it takes to run this place? Want an insight into what we are doing here at Ridgedale? Want to start a project and farm in the future? Are you already a farmer or land-manager wanting to use regenerative design to overhaul your enterprise? A pre-professional or professional designer wanting to broaden your skills and get practical project initiation skills? A Permaculturist looking for a broader view? Wan't to know what lies beyond sustainability?

· Taking stock: Our Current Situation
· Defining your Context
· Holistic Management
· Keyline Design
· Climate & Biomes
· Landform & Mapping
· Water Systems & Management
· Access on & around farm
· Tree Crop Systems
· Buildings & Infrastructure
· Animal Systems & Biomimicry
· Fencing & Appropriate Tech.
· Soils, BioFerts & Growing Microbiology
· Local Food & Regenerative Enterprise
Demonstrating soil microscopy & monitoring soil organisms...

Our primary educational objective is to specifically empower more people into farming & land based regenerative enterprises as well as supporting more designers to step up professionally tooled up with the right skills and attitude. This 2 day training is most suited for;

• Small holders, Farmers or future farmers
• Project Initiators
• Permaculture Design professionals & pre- professionals
• People wanting to experience what it takes to run a farm or project…

Richard Perkins
Courses default image
Course type
Advanced Design Skills
Engagement style
Face to face

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