Dates and times
The fee is 550 Euros discounted to 500 if paid in full by th
Course summary

This course provides a great opportunity to “get away from it all” and practice permaculture design in a beautiful and historic dry-lands environment. The topics we cover could help you improve your quality of life and the well-being of those around you.

We encourage creative thinking and learning from natural systems. We will explore the methods and tools that permaculture designers use to make sense of challenging and confusing situations. Working with experienced practitioners, you will learn how to design in any climate zone and at any scale. You will build your knowledge and gain a thorough grounding in the skill of Permaculture Design.

We do this in a relaxed and reflective way and, at the end of the course, you will be able to carry out your first piece of Permaculture design work.

Angus Soutar and Peppi Gauci

Further information about Angus and Peppi can be found on the Permaculture Malta website (see below).
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email
Contact name
Permaculture Malta
Contact telephone number
07973 85 65 28 (UK, for further information only)

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