Dates and times
Course summary

Integralpermanence is offering this powerful and engaging Full 72 hr Permaculture Design Course, with the possibility to stay on and be involved in physically creating the communal final design for the site. By actively engaging in a real design you have participated in creating you will be able to embody skills and understanding much more deeply, as well as enjoy living simply together on the land and exploring various aspects of community living. There is also an optional NVC training to deepen communication skills on this important "edge" of growth. We shall explore the full range of topics covered in the standard Design Course, with lots of extra activities exploring community building, decision making, power sharing and other relevant topics the group wishes to explore. Accompanied by films, talks and skill shares in the evenings this course is a life changing event for everyone that takes part in the course. Fast paced and intensive, yet very dynamic and creative, this course suits people new to the field of regenerative design, through to experienced designers wishing to recap and extend their skills. The certified course allows you to go on to further studies or design work, and upon completing the course you shall have a very powerful set of tools and action based solutions for walking more gently on the earth. Please email for more comprehensive information packet or if you have any questions or want to book a place on the course.

Richard Perkins Integralpermanence Richard Farmborough
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email
Contact name
Richard Perkins
Contact telephone number
+44 07539973170

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