Dates and times
Course summary

Richard is returning to Panya Project, Thailand, where He lived, worked, taught and played in 2008/9. Nearing completion of MSc Integrative Eco Social design studies at, Richard is passionate about sharing systemic design for positive world change! His background in Organic crop production, Permaculture Design and integrated systems inform powerful and life changing courses around the globe. Mixing a deep and broad knowledge base with powerful community building skills, Richards` courses are a fertile mix suited to both the beginner and designers wishing to hone their skills. The course will be supported by film nights to extend our studies, student skill shares, community building and celebration as well as plenty of hands on Action Learning!

This full 72-hour certified Permaculture Design Course will be held at the site of the Panya Project, about 60 km north of Chiang Mai.
The course will consist of a broad range of topics applicable to life anywhere on this planet, yet will be tailored to the needs of the students present as well as the location at hand. Participants will help to co-create the design of tropical food forests, permaculture-style gardens, natural buildings, water catchment and irrigation systems, work with swales and dams, as well as take part in permaculture activities on the hosting land.
The course will be conducted in the internationally accepted manner. The 72 hours of course work required to receive a Permaculture Design Certificate, will be covered over a two week period, mixing hands-on with plenty of in classroom studies. All students are required to be present for the full two weeks if they wish to receive the certificate.

Richard Perkins, Integralpermanence
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email
Contact name
Richard Perkins
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