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10 - 5
Course summary

Tom Hodgkinson of the Idler and Permaculture teacher Graham Burnett lead a fascinating weekend designed to give you the mental energy needed to reconstuct your everyday life. Together we will explore alternatives to the drudgery of the 'nine to five ethic', that is, doing boring work for somebody else at times of their choosing, in return for money to buy things that we don't really want or need.

Emphasis will be on applying the principles of permaculture (which isn't about herb spirals and no-dig gardening, but designing systems that work with nature to create abundance and healthy lives for all) and idling (which isn't about being lazy but instead creating your own existence and doing what you love to meet your needs) to overcoming the everyday barriers that come between us and our dreams. With a blend of talks, workshops, discussions, practical exercises and debates we will be looking at the ways in which we can all create our own 'right livlihoods'.

Tom Hodgkinson and Graham Burentt
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