Dates and times
More info
Saturday 24th November to Sunday 25th November 2012 from 9am to 4pm
£100 (£60 concessions) including lunch
Course summary

Are you looking at ways to live more sustainably but are unsure of how to take action? Faced with a convergence of multiple crises and a myriad of eco-dilemmas to navigate, it can difficult to know what to do to care for the earth, yourself and the people around you. Permaculture is a step into new thinking and can offer positive practical solutions. It is a method of design that integrates rather than segregates based on a philosophy of co-operating with nature and caring for the earth and people. Whether designing a large farm estate, or your urban window ledge, the principles of permaculture can guide you in your journey to a truly sustainable lifestyle, a permanent culture.

Using a variety of teaching methods and activities, this interactive two-day course will give you an overview and understanding of the basics of permaculture, including:

•Ethics and principles
•Design methods
•Observation skills
•Practical activities
•An overview of the permaculture network and local contacts

The course will be held at The Russet, a community focused cafe with an emphasis on local, organic food and developing local food links. The gardens at the cafe have been designed by the course tutors and you will have the opportunity to see permaculture in action in an urban setting.

Who is the course for?
It is suitable for anyone with an interest in permaculture and/or living sustainably and is wanting to develop their knowledge. You will gain knowledge and understanding of the basics of permaculture and leave with ideas of what you can go next and how to apply what you have learnt. No prior knowledge or experience necessary.

For more information and to book, visit, email [email protected] or call 07872 482991

Joe Reid and Seema Patel
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Course type
Introduction to Permaculture

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