Dates and times
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9-4 each day
Course summary

The Permaculture Tywi group are delighted to be running an ‘Introduction to Permaculture’ weekend course. Come along and learn what Permaculture is and what it can do for your and your current lifestyle, whether you have a smallholding, small garden, allotment and even if you are don‘t grow food. Meet and connect with a bunch of like-minded people.

The tutor will be Dr. Paul Jennings, a well respected teacher and permaculture teacher who lives on a One Planet Development In Carmarthenshire.

There will be an opportunity for participants of this course to attend a full Permaculture Design Course early next year.

More details about the content of the course can be found on the Permaculture Association website here;

Hot drinks and biscuits will be provided, but please bring a packed lunch. This course is not residential. It will run from 9am to 4pm each day.

Certified teacher
Courses image
Course type
Introduction to Permaculture
Engagement style
Face to face

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