Course website

Dates and times
More info
September 5th 2023 - November 11th 2023
Please see website for course fees
Course summary

This course will give you an holistic overview of the basic theory and practical application of how permaculture can be used in what you do. We will show you how to use permaculture design in your garden as a pretext to how you can use social permaculture to support your own emotional wellbeing and build connections in your community. We will be sharing tools for invidual and community resilience.

​The course is realtime and includes some optional home practice activities, which support the sessions and group work. This helps you to become more familiar with permaculture and how to apply it to your individual setting. It will also support the sessions themselves as part of the reflection process.

We encourage online collaboration with other course participants to create a peer support network, during the course. The course runs for 2 hours a week for 9 weeks.

There will be guest tutors to add diversity to the sessions.

By booking on this course your fee supports our social enterprise, helping us to deliver permaculture education free, to members of our local community, who otherwise would not be able to access it.

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Course type
Introduction to Permaculture
Engagement style

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