Dates and times
525 € (shared tent ); 625 € (private room in Bunkhouse)
Course summary

You have heard of permaculture, but don’t really know what it is about? You are interested in ecosystem restoration, but haven’t had the chance to see that in practice and be part of it?
Join us for a journey into the basics of permaculture and ecosystem restoration at Camp Altiplano. Frances Osborn (PDC teacher) and the Altiplano team will guide you through this discovery, sharing sessions about soil health and agroforestry, rainwater harvesting and reforestation, all with our feet on the ground, as we get in touch with the land and put our hands in it.
Not only will you learn through theory and practical sessions on the land, but you will also have the chance to create a mini permaculture design of an area on the farm earmarked for reforestation, using the information and the tools learnt during the course.
All this while living completely off-grid at Camp Altiplano and sharing this experience with a motivated and inspiring group of people.

Frances Osborn, Silvia Quarta
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Introduction to Permaculture
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

Camp Altiplano
La Junquera
30412 El Moralejo MU

Course contact email
Contact name
Silvia Quarta

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